Project List
Coe + Coe’s depth of residential and commercial experience includes schools, restaurants, assisted living residences, historic and new homes, and multi-family developments.
Commercial Projects, Completed and Ongoing
Barton Main Street, Barton, VT: Mixed-use brownfield redevelopment in village center; design and environmental remediation; Ongoing
Foundry Street Apartments, Morrisville, VT: Complete
Bridge Street Apartments, Morrisville, VT: 5 & 6 unit walk-up apartment development; Ongoing
City of Newport, Newport, VT: Skate Shack remodel & addition for Newport Recreation; Events, skates, snack bar; Ongoing
City of Newport, Newport, VT: Solar Pergola for Pocket Park; Ongoing
City of Newport, Newport, VT: Police Department; Officer gym, lockers, and restrooms; Ongoing
Granite Design, Derby, VT: New stone countertop fabrication plant; Ongoing
Marvin Affordable Housing, Barton, VT: Restore farm house for affordable worker housing; Ongoing
North Hardwick Farm, Hardwick, VT: Convert milking parlor into distillery and viewing gallery; Ongoing
Caja Madera, Hardwick, VT: Convert garage into take-out taco restaurant; Ongoing
Atkins Field Granite Shed, Hardwick, VT: Historic preservation and adaptive re-use (municipal); Ongoing
Vershire Municipal Garage, Vershire, VT: New 5,000 s.f. Town Highway Garage; Ongoing
Barton Library, Barton, VT: Basement level ADA restroom; Ongoing
Irasburg Library, Irasburg, VT: Elevator and ADA restroom; Ongoing
East Craftsbury Library, Craftsbury, VT: Historic Renovation; Ongoing
Northwoods Stewardship Center, East Charleston, VT: New Conservation Barn, ADA and facility upgrades; Ongoing
Notch House, Westmore, VT: Timber frame wedding barn; Completed summer 2021
Curriers Market, Glover, VT: Refurbish Country Store; Opened Summer 2021
Thorn Hill Farm, Greensboro, VT: New duplex affordable housing for workers; Completed summer 2021
Sweet Rowen Creamery, E. Albany, VT: Creamery Expansion and Milk truck bay; Completed 2020
Young View Farm, W. Glover, VT: On-Farm Cheddar Cheese Creamery; Completed 2019
VT-99; Craftsbury, VT; 2700 s.f. Charcuterie facility; Completed summer 2018
Jasper Hill Farm, E. Craftsbury, VT: Calderwood Cropping Center Hay Drying Facility; Completed 2015; Expanded 2018
Town of Glover, Glover, VT: Town Highway Garage; Completed 2017
Jasper Hill Farm, Greensboro, VT: Cave start-up; mechanical, sanitary, racking; 2011-2015
Jasper Hill Farm, Greensboro, VT: Microbiolgy Lab, Staff, Conference, Office T.I., 2013
Jasper Hill Farm, Greensboro, VT: Green Machine waste processing facility, 2012
Parker Pie Company, W. Glover, VT: Expansion/Change of use, 2010
Town of Glover, Glover, VT: New Town Archive Vault
Old Stone House Museum, Brownington, VT: Archive Building, 2010
Residential Projects, Completed and Ongoing
Wahl Ossola Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU), Westmore, VT: Garage and 3-bedroom guesthouse; Ongoing
McNeil ADU, Westmore, VT: 3-season camp re-build; Currently in construction
Lussier Residence, Charleston, VT: New 4-bedroom home; Design-build; Ongoing
Lindstrom Residence, Glover, VT: New lakeside 3 bedroom vacation home; Design phase
Young/Duke Residence, Greensboro, VT: Addition to mid-century modern home; Complete 2021
Gunther Camp, Greensboro, VT: Lakeside Accessory dwelling and camp upgrades; In Construction
Graysan-Frey ADU, Greensboro, VT: Carriage house 4-season accessory dwelling; Design phase
Dibble Residence, Charleston, VT: New 2 bedroom accessory dwelling unit over garage; Design phase
Bacon ADU, Craftsbury, VT: 600 s.f. accessory dwelling unit; In construction
Braithwaite Yellow House, Glover, VT Complete farmhouse remodel; Design phase
Warden Barn, Burke, VT: Two story workshop with accessory dwelling unit; Design phase
Stark Residence, Lyndon, VT: New 750 s.f. USDA funded high performance home for disabled owner; Under Construction
Lake Residence, Northeast Kingdom, VT: New single family high performance home; Completed 2022
Jacobs Residence, Montgomery, VT: New single family 3,150 s.f. home; Under Construction
Past West Coast Commercial Projects
City of Portland, Portland, OR: Sewer/Storm Pump Stations, 2009
Cutler City, Lincoln City, OR: Sewer/Storm Pump Stations, 2008
Fox Pointe Apartments, Vancouver, WA: 25 unit apartment building; fire rehab, 2009
Washington County, Wash. County, OR: Right-of-way acquisition
Glen Mar Office Building, Clackamas, OR: 12,000 s.f. office building, 2008
Lewis and Clark Law School, Portland, OR: Bicycle locker room, café, and classroom upgrades, 2005
Clear Creek Telephone and Television, Portland, OR: Addition and remodel, Public entry, ADA, Seismic, 2007
Canyon Hills Apartments, Riverside, CA: 400 unit ADA upgrades, 2006
Oregon Department of Education, Salem, OR: Building Assessment and Administrative Services, 2003
Portland Public Schools, Portland, OR: Building upgrades and phased renovation, 2003
Oregon Employment Department, Statewide, OR: Facility assessments, 2002
Past West Coast Residential Projects
Zinkland Residence, 2009
Comer Residence, 2009
Ballard Residence, 2009
Staver Residence, 2008
Rozes Residence, 2008
Halsey House, 2006
Eddie Vacation Home, 2008
Wilsons Farm House, 2007
Rajani Residence 2007
Dumpert Residence 2007
Stevenson Home 2007
McDonald Residence 2007
Stevens Lake Residence 2006
Wilcox Residence, 2006
Whitaker Residence, 2006
Treible Kelly Guest House, 2006
Toogood Residence, 2005
Holiday Vacation Home, 2005
Smith Residence, 2005
Scribner Residence, 2005
McNeil Residence, 2004
Santangelo Residence, 2004
Stroud Residence , 2004
Steve Kem Residence, 2003
Wilson Residence West Hills, 2003
Picket Residence, 2002